Today we highlight…
Two researchers from the Instituto Biofisika ranked among the most prominent female researchers in the CSIC ranking
Alicia Alonso (207) and Mónica Carril (3056), from the Instituto Biofisika, stand out among the 10,000 female researchers featured in the ranking published b
Instituto Biofisika awarded with the CSIC ASPIRA-MaX Sagrario Martínez-Carrera seal of excellence
BioPhyzza Connection 2025
BBDG Seminar: "CHEM.IFPTML: Chemoinformatics Information Fusion & Perturbation-Theory Machine Learning"
Emakumeak Zientzian 2025
BBDG Seminar: "Sorting with Retromer: Molecular Insights into Endosomal Cargo Transport"
Eurobioimaging Virtual Pub: "cryo-EM as a magnifying glass into cell biology"
BBDG Seminar: "Cryo-EM architecture of a near-native stretch-sensitive membrane microdomain"
BBDG Seminar: "Structural characterization of model lung surfactant films on the approach to zero surface tension and tuned by soft nanoparticles"
IBF Seminar: "cryoEM reveals that Retron-Eco1 assembles NAD+-hydrolyzing filaments providing immunity against bacteriophages"
BioForo: "The universe of lipid-protein interactions. A scientific meeting in honor of Prof. Alicia Alonso"
BBDG Seminar: "Unveiling the Busy Social Network of a Cell"
BBDG Seminar: "Dynamical systems in biophysics and not only"
Ceremony in memory of Professor Arturo Muga, pioneer of Biophysics and Molecular Biology of proteins in the Basque Country
BioForo seminar: "Caveolae: Mechanosensing and mechanotrasduction devices linking membrane trafficking to mechanoadaptation"
Theoretical Biophysics seminar: A theoretical basis for cell deaths
BBDG Seminar: "The molecular gymnastics of autophagy and lysosomes"
AI Spots Cancer and Viral Infections at Nanoscale Precision
"The molecular architecture of the nuclear basket" published in Cell
BBDG Seminar: "Structural Mechanisms and Drug Discovery in Alzheimer's Disease and Cancer"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: "Molecular recognition between cholesterol and Bordetella CyaA toxin"
BBDG Seminars: "Protofilament-specific nano-patterns of tubulin post-translational modilications regulate the mechanics of ciliary beating"
BBDG Seminars: "Sodium alginate/chitosan scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering: the influence of its three-dimensional material preparation and the use of gold nanoparticles"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: "Viroporin-like activity of ASFV structural proteins B117L and B169L"
Workshop: "Phase Separation in Biophysical Systems"
BBDG Seminars: "Active surfaces and biological morphogenesis"
Instituto Biofisika awarded with the ASPIRA-MaX Josefa Barba seal of excellence
Pint of Science 2024
IBF Seminars: "Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: "Bridging conformational preferences and non-covalent interactions across diverse cyclic structures"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: "Membrane interactions of the ATG8 protein LC3C and its role in autophagy"
Professor Arturo Muga passes away
-- CANCELLED -- BioForo Seminar: “Structural and regulatory basis for pharmacological correction of inherited dopamine deficiencies and Parkinson’s disease”
BioForo Seminar: "Collagen deposition in physiology and scarred-fibrotic tissue"
BioForo seminar: “Unveiling and Leveraging the Neuroprotective Potential of Tetracyclines: A Journey from Biophysics to Pharmacology”
BioForo Seminar: “Impact of chromatin remodeling defects in cellular plasticity, lung cancer progression and treatment sensitivity”
BioForo Seminar: “Impact of chromatin remodeling defects in cellular plasticity, lung cancer progression and treatment sensitivity”
BBDG Seminar: "Structural analysis and inhibition of human LINE-1 ORF2 protein reveals novel adaptations and functions"
BBDG Seminar: "The strange things that papillomavirus proteins do"
Emakumeak Zientzian Seminar: "The successful trajectory of a female scientist: Mª Luisa Fdez-Gubieda Ruiz" (ES)
BREM provided high-resolution imaging for the First atomic-scale 'movie' of microtubules under construction
The Advanced Light Microscopy Node Bilbao (ALM@BIO) is one of the five new Spanish Nodes approved by Euro-BioImaging
Emakumeak Zientzian 2024
BioForo seminar: "The role of inflammation in breast cancer progression"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: “Development and integration of In Silico and In Vitro tools for comprehensive prediction and characterization of genetic variants in Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Hyperlipidemias”
Instituto Biofisika recognized by the Science and Technology Faculty of the UPV/EHU
The Advanced Light Microscopy Node Bilbao to join Euro-Bioimaging
BBDG Seminars: "Advancing Membrane Biophysical Imaging: from Bulk Measurements to Single-Molecule Trafficking"
Annual BioForo Meeting: “7th Alumni Research Meeting”
POSTPONED - BBDG Seminars: "Recruiting antibody-membrane interactions to combat HIV infection (and cancer?)"
BioForo seminar: "Mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in hormone-driven cancers"
BioForo seminar: "Unravelling animal-microbiota interactions through novel technologies: holo-omics, micro-scale 3D metagenomics and gut-on-a-chip"
BBDG Seminars: "Resolving the kinetics of Hsp70 chaperone activity by stochastic, single-molecule sampling of substrates"
BioForo seminar: "When the start matters: biological relevance of protein N-terminal acetylation"
IBF seminar: "Tools to image and cross membranes"
BioForo seminar: "The Lipotype Hypothesis"
BBDG Seminar: "Unravelling the structure of toxic protein aggregates in situ"
Mini-workshop: 'Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and biology'
BioForo seminar: "The fusion of quantitative molecular proteomics and immune-oncology: a step towards precision medicine in cancer therapeutic"
BioForo seminar: "Role of mitochondrial fusion proteins in the transfer of phospholipids from the endoplasmic reticulum to the mitochondria"
BioForo seminar: "Coupling sterol and ceramide synthesis and transport at ER-endocytic contact sites"
Talking lipids. Special Meeting 100th anniversary of LIPID
Alicia Alonso recognized with a Basque Women Researcher Award in recognition of her distinguished research career
CartoCell, an open-source tool capable of detecting hidden patterns in cellular tissues
BBDG Seminars: "The long journey of an insect virus: from the field to the pharmaceutical pipeline"
BBDG Seminars: "Synthetic gene circuits & their applications: Programming cells in space, time, and more"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: "Interaction of the LC3/GABARAP autophagy proteins with membranes: Exploring the effects of ceramide"
Advanced Workshop in Ion Channels: “Exploring novel conformational states in a K+ channel using weak-binding antibodies and FRET” | “Regulatory subunits controlling the voltage gated Kv1.3 channel”
Jorge Pedro López Alonso winner of the 'José Tormo' award
Dr. Israel S. Fernandez will join the IBF as Ikerbasque Research Professor
BioForo seminar: "Role of ceramide in protein sorting”
The president of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) visits the Instituto Biofisika
BBDG Seminars: "Single molecule sensing of annexing and dynaming"
BioForo seminar: "BBB opening in neurodegenerative diseases: Possibilities and hurdles"
IBF Seminars: "Optogenetic generation of leader cells reveals a force-velocity relation for collective cell migration"
BioForo seminar: "Role of lipids and membrane mechanics in the early secretory pathway"
A century of lipids, from Biological Chemistry to Lipidomics
The Biofisika Bizkaia Foundation (FBB) has affiliated to i2basque
OLDM'23 - Origins of Life Donostia Meeting
Pint of Science Bilbao 2023
Seminar: "Advances in Lightsheet Microscopy: Imaging the Unseen"
BBDG Seminars: "Lipids: 100 years, and 50 years"
BioForo seminar: "Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer"
BBDG Seminars: "New 3D human biomodels to study the neurodegenerative diseases"
IBF Seminars: "Drug Discovery based on Biophysical Analysis"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: "Medidas de afinidad de anticuerpos VIH anti-MPER por su epitopo reconstituido en membranas modelo. Correlación con su polirreactividad y potencia de neutralización"
BBDG Seminars: "Molecular mechanisms of BCL2 proteins, the master apoptosis regulators"
Prof. Alicia Alonso Izquierdo appointed Vice President of the Governing Board of the Confederation of Scientific Societies of Spain (COSCE)
Félix M. Goñi Urcelay at Humboldt Research Award Ceremony
BBDG Seminars: "ONE DNA repair protein in action"
BBDG Seminars: "Emprender: impulso y dinamización de la ciencia, clave para llegar al paciente"
BBDG Seminars: "The long and winding road... to autophagy"
BBDG Seminars: "Nanoparticle surface tuning for in vivo applications with a focus on fluorine"
BioForo seminar: “Chromatin regulators in stem cell differentiation and cancer processes”
Emakumeak Zientzian (Women in Science)
BBDG Seminars: "Understanding cellular mechanotransduction: from mechanical stimuli to biochemical signaling"
Brain organoids Summer School 2023
BioForo seminar: "Microenvironmental control of chromosomal stability during development and tissue homeostasis"
IBF Seminars: "Bringing insights into the characterization of 3D cell motility through bioimage analysis"
BBDG Seminars: "Pushing the limits in atomic-resolution electros cryo-microscopy of biological specimenes"
BBDG Seminars: "Using Cryo-EM to unveil the structure and function of DNA-associated macrocomplexes"
BioForo seminar: "Integrating population-scale sequencing with epigenomics and transcriptomics to identify the genetic basis of adaptive evolution"
BBDG Seminars: "Model celular membranes: From flat to strongly curved structures"
Félix M. Goñi, entre los más influyentes del mundo, según la Universidad de Stanford (California)
Félix M. Goñi at the World's Top 2% Scientists
Workshop: "Dynamic modeling and statistical inference in the life sciences: philosophical and practical perspectives"
BioForo seminar: "One Ring to Rule Them All? Comprehensive Structure and Functional Adaptations of the Nuclear Pore Complex"
IBF Seminars: "Viral Fusion Peptide Interactions with Biomimetic Lipid Cubic Phases"
BioForo seminars: Wed 2, Thu 3 & Fri 4 NOV 2022
BBDG Seminars: "The P. aeruginosa efector Tse5 forms membrane pores disrupting the membrane potential of intoxicated bacteria"
BBDG Seminars: "Microwave and laser spectroscopies for structural elucidation and as chemical tools"
EMBO Workshop: Birth and fission of cellular compartments
*POSTPONED* - BBDG Seminars: "Using Cryo-EM to unveil the structure and function of DNA-associated macrocomplexes"
IBF Doctoral Thesis: "Lipid-protein interactions in autophagy: Exploring the role of LC3/GABARAP-family members"
The registration for the 8th International Iberian Biophysics Congress is open
IKUR 2030: Instituto Biofisika hosts the Catalan Secretary of Education
BREM has been featured in Teknopolis
The inauguration of BREM has featured in "El Correo"
BREM is officially launched by the Lehendakari
Deia, local newspaper, featuring our centre
New Titan Krios Cryo-EM at the FBB-IBF
Conversation with Félix M. Goñi
Programa IKUR. El Gobierno Vasco destina 100 millones para reforzar el tejido científico en 9 años
Diario Deia: Entrevista al catedrático Félix M. Goñi.
Félix M. Goñi Urcelay awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Research Award