The Advanced Light Microscopy Node Bilbao (ALM@BIO) is one of the five new Spanish Nodes approved by Euro-BioImaging

ALM@BIO - Advanced Light Microscopy Node Bilbao is one of the five new Spanish Nodes approved by the Euro-BioImaging Board in early January 2024, bringing the official Node count to 41. These five new Nodes, which provided services during Euro-BioImaging’s interim operation, have come onboard following Spain’s membership to Euro-BioImaging ERIC in December 2023. The Spanish Node community is made up of four biological imaging Nodes and one biomedical imaging Node.
The Spanish Nodes are located in three cities across Spain, including Bilbao, Valencia and Barcelona. Together they offer a wide range of light microscopy services, with ability to image samples from live cells to mesoscopic samples and small animals, including super-resolution nanoscopy. The medical Node provides population imaging services including cloud-based computational services with access to high-performance computer clusters, multi-level storage service and archive.
“We are thrilled and deeply honored to become a part of the European imaging community. Our team is eagerly looking forward to collaborating with esteemed colleagues across the various nodes in Europe. Together, we aim to conduct exceptional scientific research and drive innovation in the field of imaging technologies,” say Artur Escalada, of the Biofisika Institute (CSIC-UPV/EHU) in Bilbao, a representative of the Spanish Nodes, and Iban Ubarretxena, Director of Biophisics Biscay Foundation and national coordinator.
Spain’s membership to Euro-BioImaging ERIC has been achieved during the Spanish presidency of the European Union. “It has been a long process,” says Inmaculada Figueroa on behalf of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Kingdom of Spain. “All the Spanish partners congratulate us for this and are eager to start the year engaged actively in Euro-BioImaging ERIC activities.”