Biofisika Institute (CSIC-UPV/EHU)
Science Park of the UPV/EHU
Barrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia (Spain)
The group is mainly focused on the use of fluorinated nanostructures as enabling tools to learn about dynamic biological processes. On the one hand, we use fluorine as a label that can be tuned for the design of OFF/ON, or Smart, contrast agents based on 19F MRI or as a reporter for the study of protein corona in complex environments via fluorine based magnetic resonance (19F NMR, MRS, or MRI). On the other hand, we take advantage of the particular properties of organic fluorine for encapsulation and delivery purposes inside cells. In this field, we aim at tuning the nanoparticles’ surface to achieve controlled interaction with cell membranes to direct and improve delivery.
Davide Bello
Galder Llorente
Karen Contreras
Miriam Feijoo
Gonzalo Lasanta
Noelia Soto Gómez
Ely Bravo
Juan Manuel Arango
Mónica Carril
Arango JM, Padro D, Blanco J, Lopez-Fernandez S, Castellnou P, Villa-Valverde P, Ruiz-Cabello J, Martin A, Carril M.
Atabakhshi-Kashi M, Carril M, Mahdavi H, ParakWJ, Carrillo-Carrion C, Khajeh K.
Feiner IVJ, Pulagam KR, Gómez‐Vallejo V, Zamacola K, Baz Z, Caffarel MM, Lawrie CH, Ruiz-de-Angulo A, Carril M, Llop J.
Padro D, Cienskowski P, Lopez‐Fernandez S, Chakraborty I, Carrillo‐Carrion C, Feliu N, Parak WJ, Carril M.
Sanchez-Cano C, Carril M.
Argudo PG, Carril M, Martín-Romero MT, Giner-Casares JJ, Carrillo-Carrión C.
Argudo PG, Martín-Romero MT, Camacho L, Carril M, Carrillo-Carrión C, Giner-Casares JJ.
Gabrielli L, Carril M, Padro D, Mancin F.
Carrillo-Carrión C, Gallego M, Parak WJ, Carril M.
Carrillo-Carrion C, Atabakhshi-Kashi M, Carril M, Khajeh K, Parak WJ.