Gabriel Mazon

PhD Student

Biofisika Institute (CSIC-UPV/EHU)
Science Park of the UPV/EHU
Barrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia (Spain)

Short bio

Graduate of mechanic engineer from Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador) in the year 2017, Master of Science and Materials Engineering from Carlos III University of Madrid in the year 2019, and current position Professor at IKIAM Regional Amazon University, since year 2021. PhD Student of Program D1031 - Materials Sciences, Department of Applied Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Thesis Supervisor(s): Prof. J.M. Ruso (USC), Prof. K. Dieguez-Santana (IKIAM), Prof. González-Díaz H (UPV/EHU, Biofisika).