In an ever-changing world, our goal is to serve a society that is continuously demanding innovative and sustainable knowledge-based solutions to tackle diverse challenges from climate change to health crises. To this end we endeavour to share knowledge and data, inform society, and reach globally.
Among outreach activities performed by our researchers are school visits. They allow us to demonstrate to schoolchildren the everyday lives of scientists working in biochemistry, biophysics, and neuroscience, inspiring them to pursue a STEAM career.

Our scientists participate in annual Zientzia Astea event (the Science, Technology and innovation Week), organized by the University of the Basque Country. Its talks, workshops and interactive activities connect our researchers with the lay non-expert audience.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, our scientists have contributed at various levels, from the modeling of the epidemic to improving the detection protocols, helping to understand the virus and develop strategies.

The Emakumeak Zientzian initiative took its first steps in 2017 and year after year it has grown and strengthened. The General Assembly of the United Nations decided, in 2016, to proclaim February 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in order to achieve access and full and equal participation in science for women and the girls.
In this context, Women in Science emerged with specific objectives:
Make the activity of women in science visible, break with the typically masculine roles attributed to scientific-technical activities, and encourage the choice of scientific careers among girls and adolescents.
To this end, a broad program of activities around February 11 is promoted, organized, developed, presented and executed.
The Biofisika Institute and the Fundación Biofisika Bizkaia are actively participating in the Emakumeak Zientzian initiative, with activities that take place in different places in the Basque Country with an important objective: to make visible the activity of women in science.