Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia

Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia/Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa


The “Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia/Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa” (FBB) is a private institution created in 2007 as an instrument to carry out, support and finance scientific research, training, and outreach in the field of biophysics. Since its creation, the goals and activities of the FBB have been aligned and coordinated with those of the IBF.

Organisation and Board Members

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our current board members, who act as an invaluable source of information, advice, and guidance:

President: Amaia Esquisabel Alegría
Director for Research - Basque Government Department of Education, Linguistic policy, and Culture

Estíbaliz Hernáez Laviña
Deputy Minister of Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness

Izaskun Artetxe García
Department of Economic Development - Provincial Authority of Bizkaia

Secretary: Inmaculada Arostegui Madariaga
Vice-Rector of Research - University of the Basque Country

Gonzalo Hernández Herrero
CEO at ESAME Biomedical

José M Mato de la Paz
General Director - CIC BioGUNE

Iñigo Angulo Barturen
CEO - The Art of Discovery

Iván Ubarrechena Belandia
Scientific Director - FBB

Iñigo Cea Ugarte
General Manager - FBB


The Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia/Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa (FBB), ia a non-profit foundation registered at the Foundations Registry of the Basque Country with registration number F-202.  The FBB is committed to actively promote transparency, access to public information, and good governance.

Annual Financial reports

2022 Annual Accounts Report

2021 Annual Accounts Report

2020 Annual Accounts Report

2019 Annual Accounts Report

2018 Annual Accounts Report

2017 Annual Accounts Report

2016 Annual Accounts Report

2015 Annual Accounts Report

2014 Annual Accounts Report

2013 Annual Accounts Report



Equality Plan and Protocols

The Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia/Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa (hereon the FBB) is commmited to the promotion of gender equality. To this end we have implemented a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) that is continually revised to ensure that it is fit for purpose.

The Equality Plan aims in general to ensure equal opportunities between men and women of FUNDACIÓN BIOFISICA BIZKAIA/BIOFISIKA BIZKAIA FUNDAZIOA and all the autonomous organisations and bodies adhered to the Agreement of working conditions.

FBB Equality Plan

Protocol for the prevention of harassment in a work environment

Furthermore, FBB in its endeavour to safeguard the dignity of all their workers, commits to create and keep a respectful environment with personal dignity and freedom. One of the clearest manifestations of real inequality still in our society is the presence of any alleged harassment at work. This phenomenon, furthermore, undermines a significant amount of fundamental core personal rights: freedom, intimacy and dignity, non-discrimination on grounds of gender, safety, health and physical and moral integrity. 
We are aware that workplace harassment has become a social phenomenon which, to a greater or lesser extent, is present in all the professional activities, affecting a large number of workers. 

As we all know, the negative effect of violent behaviour, particularly workplace harassment behaviours, may have as well as a direct impact on the workers’ health and safety, also an impact on the companies themselves, generating toxic organisations, increasing economic costs due to absenteeism and deficient performance. 

The FBB commits to eliminate all situations of this kind in the work relationships by means of a procedure that enables to solve the claims with due guarantees, based on the legal regulations in force. 

The FBB commits to ensure the confidentiality of the cases that may arise, as well as the protection to all workers.

A Communications Channel (See next template) has been set up to enable all the members forming part of our organisation to make known any harassment situation to the Management Committee.

Protocolo de prevención acoso ESP

Protocol Prevention of Harassment ENG

Template. Communication Channel ESP

Template. Communication Channel ENG

Whistleblowing channel / Canal interno de información

Bienvenido al canal interno de información (“canal interno”) de FUNDACIÓN BIOFÍSICA BIZKAIA/BIOFISIKA BIZKAIA FUNDAZIOA (“FBB”) implantado tras la aprobación de su Sistema Interno de Información (“SII”) en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley 2/2023, de 20 de febrero, reguladora de la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones normativas y de lucha contra la corrupción (“Ley 2/2023”).

El personal trabajador (cualquiera que sea su régimen, incluidos becarios o en periodo de formación), los miembros del patronato, miembros de la dirección de FBB, o terceros externos (como autónomos, proveedores, contratistas, subcontratistas), podrán revelar información a través de este canal interno sobre (i) posibles infracciones penales, (ii) administrativas graves o muy graves, o (iii) acciones u omisiones que puedan constituir una infracción del Derecho de la Unión Europea, siempre que entre dentro del ámbito de aplicación de los actos de la UE, afecte a los intereses financieros de la UE, o incida en el mercado interior. 

Se excluye la comunicación de información que derive o se enmarque en conflictos meramente personales sin transcendencia penal o administrativa, o las que no estén relacionadas con la actividad de FBB.

Este canal interno permite realizar comunicaciones por escrito y/o verbalmente, siempre de manera confidencial, e incluso anónima. El informante podrá hacer seguimiento puntual de la comunicación realizada, y su comunicación se tramitará según el procedimiento aprobado. 

Los informantes cuentan con la protección frente a represalias previstas en el título séptimo de la Ley 2/2023.

Para mayor información, consulte los apartados de (i) Política y Principios del SII, (ii) Normas de Procedimiento del SII, y (iii) Protección de datos. 

Además, las comunicaciones, quejas o denuncias a realizar por miembros trabajadores de FBB al amparo del Protocolo de Prevención del Acoso se formularán por este cauce.




Protección de datos.pdf

Contractor Profile

The FBB is subject to Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts. The contracts managed by the FBB are published on the Basque Public Procurement Platform. You can access these contracts via the following link.

Intranet FBB

Web based access to the Intranet FBB

(only accesible inside the UPV/EHU network or via VPN)


For more info, contact us: 

Contact form